Friday, September 18, 2009

Tip of the Week:

Happy dogs are relaxed and receptive. Excited dogs are wired, bursting with nervous energy and often too wound-up by adrenaline to obey.

Isn't it lovely to come home to a warm reception from your pup? The bright eyes, the flopping tongue, the skipping and fussing - and that's just you responding. (Kidding)

The truth for some people is a lot less heart-warming, particularly when their need to leave home for a while puts their pet in a very sad state. When it gets this acute it's called Separation Anxiety and it can become a major problem.

Not a problem for you, however, if you have all the answers (from Secrets to Dog Training, of course).

To see what goes on when a pup gets this anxious - and how to deal with it - read our feature article in this week's newsletter.

To read it right now, click on the newsletter link below.